Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Email To Kate Brandt A Big Shot At Google

Ms. Brandt

Per Bloom's website the 400 kilowatt project at Google was operational in July 2008.  Per their S1 they state their first project at a client of 400 kilowatts started up in August 2008.  They do not mention Google once in the S1 but the 400 kilowatt project is at Google,

Did Google know that in April 2008 the American Society of Mechanical Engineers  rated the Bloom fuel cell as the worst on market by far?

 The attached timeline from the Bloom S1 shows that Bloom started to deploy Bloom boxes in their first power purchase agreement in October 2010.  We know that many if not all of these first deployments failed and had to be decommissioned.   Bloom has admitted to this.

It is therefore very likely that the boxes at Google which was Bloom's first commercial customer also failed.  The question is when?

If they were failing before February 2010 when Bloom launched and Google assisted in hyping that launch then Google is party to what I call the Bloomdoggle.?

You should note I have copied the office of inspector general of the SEC.  We have a case number  listed below requesting a full investigation by the SEC of the Bloom Energy Bloomdoggle.

Given that John Doerr was on the board of Bloom and also on the board of Google we are particularly interested in what Google knew about the performance or lack thereof of the 400 kilowatts of Bloom boxes at Google.

It would be great if you answer the above questions.  If you choose not to I am asking the OIG of the SEC to include this request for answers in the case they have open for the Bloomdoggle.

Ms. Brandt as you once worked for Barack Obama you certainly must know that John Doerr and his wife were extremely big contributors to the Democrats.  My investigation has shown that Bloom is Solyndra times eight and Flint on steroids.

You can read all about that at