UPDATE Feb 19, 2019
A new development in the Stormy times one forty deal. Bloom has hired a serious lawyer to defend them in their case versus Badger and Daubenspeck of Advanced Equities. Bloom has hired John Dwyer the managing partner of Cooley in Palo Alto to defend them. Dwyer was third in line behind Janet Reno in Clinton's DOJ.
Dwyer attended Harvard Law in 1988 and he must have known Rod Rosenstein who was at Harvard at the same time.
Dwyer represents Elizabeth Holmes in the SEC case against her, so he is used to working for companies who have made false technology claims.
Dwyer is a big time lawyer. Bloom has learned not to hire has beens like Michele Corash for serious matters. I wonder if John Dwyer has more than one client in this case. He may also be representing Kleiner Perkins and NEA as well as Morgan Stanley? All three of these Bloomdogglers are somewhat perturbed by what can be revealed if the veil of the NDA with Badger and Daubenspeck goes away.
Talking about Serious stuff. Daubenspeck and Badger helped NEA's Serious Energy raise money. Serious Energy was another greenwashed eco-loser.
My belief is that Badger and Daubenspeck raised approximately one billion dollars for companies that Kleiner Perkins, NEA and Khosla Ventures promoted as "green"
Bloom must be paying some serious green to Dwyer who has to be one of the most expensive lawyers in the Bay Area. Over the hill Michele Corash lived on Green Street. Dwyer is so in demand he can own all of Green Street.
So far Michael Avenatti has no role in the Bloomdoggle. He did confirm the existence of a third R. Kelly tape.
Perhaps the Bloomdogglers will hire Jeff Sessions or Rod Rosenstein next? Janet Reno went after David Koresh who was not related to Bloom's previous third rate lawyer Michele Corash. Corash was also a deep swamp dweller as the General Counsel of the EPA.
I just sent this email to James Gorman the CEO of Morgan Stanley and a ton of other people including the leadership of the US SEC.
In June 2014 Bloom settled with Badger and Daubenspeck for $16,7 million per Chernova of the WSJ..
In August 2014 Bloom had a press release announcing that Steve Case joined the board. In the press release Bloom claimed Zervigon represents Morgan Stanley. Hence Morgan Stanley is part of the Stormy Time One Forty deal to pay off two guys to hush up.
On top of this Morgan Stanley led the Series E in Bloom back in 2008 when the Google commercial installation happened. Zervigon knows a ton about this and should be questioned under oath by the SEC.
On top off all of this we have Morgan Stanley as a lead underwriter for the IPO.
And now we have Byrd at Morgan Stanley touting Bloom as a buy.
If Donald Trump is in trouble for the Stormy $130,000 deal, Morgan Stanley should be in 140 times the trouble for their role in the Bloomdoggle that has far more than just one stormy times one forty payment
This may be why Zervigon emailed me that he did not represent Morgan Stanley when in fact he did?? Zervigon may just be the Cohen of the Bloomdoggle.???
Yeah its all about equal justice and the rule of law.