The single most gangrene company in the green space, Bloom
Energy, suffered a major defeat on October 3, 2016. The US EPA once and for all told Bloom and
their very high price lawyer Michele Corash that each and every one of Bloom’s
customers is a hazardous waste generator.
These customers include AT&T, Apple, Walmart, Home Depot, EBay,
IKEA, Coca Cola, Exelon, Morgan Stanley and myriad other major
corporations. All of Bloom’s customers
have greenwashed fake clean energy claims.
You can see all of Bloom’s clients in the link below from their website.
You can understand why Corash and Bloom put up a major
defense to declare their hazmat benign until it reached the Hazmat treatment facility
in Texas. The last thing they wanted was
for EPA to declare the canisters full of benzene, toluene, xylene,
chloro-methane, bromo-methane, chloroform and a dozen other poisons as hazmat
at the sites of their customers as all of these operatives of the complex had
extracted over a billion dollars in taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies.
But the EPA ruled that the moment the hazmat canisters are disconnected from
the fuel cell the canisters are hazmat.
Bloom’s Twinkie like defense was actually idiotic. Read my Blog from March 2016 on this linked
Sadly for the folks in Delaware their cabinet secretary Mr.
Small in charge of the state EPA (DNREC) joined Bloom and Corash to overturn
long standing science on waste. Corash
met with DNREC in Janaury 2015 to hatch the scheme that DOE never bought. But then they went to the General Counsel of
the EPA in DC to get him to overrule EPA staff.
I have the Dear Avi letter that Bloom and Corash wrote to Avi Garbow (GC
of EPA) on March 30, 2016 with their spurious argument that waste canisters
remain part of the manufacturing processing unit (MPU) until they are opened in
Texas even though the canisters filled with waste were created in Delaware.
I have little doubt that Al Gore, Colin Powell, and John
Doerr or their lackeys also contacted Gina McCarthy the head of the EPA to overrule
her staff. Look Powell met with house
speaker Ryan on behalf of Bloom to extend the investment tax credit why would
these three powerful operatives of the military industrial complex not try to
get a favorable ruling on the hazmat in the canisters. Al Gore in particular is motivated to get the
waste reclassified as he is a board member of Apple and Apple has over 50 Bloom
boxes each creating 3 hazmat canisters every six months or so. Apple’s VP of environmental affairs Lisa
Jackson held McCarthy’s job before she left EPA to make big bucks at
Apple. Lisa Jackson has a MS in Chemical
Engineering and certainly knows the dangers of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and the
other poisons in the canisters.
I have congratulated the staff of EPA for standing up to the
crony capitalists and have told them the new head of the EPA should be very
proud of them. As for Avi Grabow he will head
out soon and become a big time lawyer with a major law firm. Gina McCarthy will probably head back to the Bay State where
she can lie about her legacy in the greenspace. Mr. Small the DNREC secretary will probably be
fired and he will just be remembered as a diminutive player in the Bloomdoggle. A nobody !!
Corash should retire, she is already in her seventies and is
over the hill. Actually she lives in a
penthouse in a high-rise on a hill in San Francisco on a street ironically
called Green Street. The hill is called
Russian Hill. Yes Obama will blame Putin
for the Bloomdoggle even though Middle Class Joe helped bring Bloom to Delaware
just as he did bring Fisker to the First State. Bloom and
Fisker are sister companies in Kleiner Perkins’ portfolio of Gangrene companies
that violated the second law of thermodynamics.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to all who are Green. To those who are Gangrene the Thermanator is
Back and very happy that Trump will make Thermodynamics Great Again in
America. It certainly has been ignored
for the past 8 years.