It is interesting that the DOE is giving money to 16 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell projects.
Bloom is getting none of the money. Two competitors FuelCell Energy and LG Fuel Cells are getting money to offer lower cost fuel cells that could make the Bloom wilt.
I wrote the following email to the OIG of the SEC as well as the chairman and senior staff of the SEC
The US DOE award to LG Fuel Cells could also spell huge competition to Bloom
Techno-Economic Analysis of an LGFCS MWe-Class SOFC System. LG Fuel Cell Systems Inc. aims to perform a range of technical, cost, and economic analyses of the design for a MWe-scale natural gas-fired SOFC system for distributed power generation.
DOE Funding: $970,224; Non-DOE Funding: $242,556; Total Value: $1,212,780
LG is the massive Korean firm that could swallow Bloom in one bite. I checked the S1 and there is no mention of LG being a competitor.
The more I think of this, the more I remember ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaners. Bloom claims to have better electrons and Minkow claimed ZZZZ Best was the best carpet cleaning company in the world.
Minkow appeared on Oprah, Bloom appeared on Leslie Stahl 60 Minutes. Bloom knew the American Society of Mechanical Engineers has rated them as the worst fuel cell on market but appeared on Sixty Minutes as If they had a magic box. Shridhar the CEO even told Leslie Stahl she would be the first person on the planet to see the inside of the box.
The SEC is going to have another ZZZZ Best on their hands in the Bloomdoggle. Minkow did not have Gore, Doerr, Powell, Sandell, Bush, Ayotte, Zervigon, Rodgers, Schumer, Coons, Carper, Obama, Stoltz, Burson and a thousand other swamp dwellers from New Zealand to Canada and Kuwait. Minkow did not have Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley funding him. Shridhar does.
Can the SEC tell we the people if folks like Shridhar and Kurtz ever sold their shares?. Until the SEC can assure us that insiders did not dump shares over time how do we know they did not?????
Trump called Russia a "Competitor". It is time for Trump to call Bloom a Bloomdoggle. I will try call 1 800 247 3565