Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Colin Powell Loses A Million Dollars

Since we did our presentation at the Heritage Foundation on September 21, 2018, Bloom Energy has lost 60% of their market cap and this is a loss of $2 billion. Colin Powell who somehow had $5 million of spare cash, bought $5 million of Bloom shares in the IPO at $15. The shares closed at $12 today. Powell's loss on paper is a million dollars. When equal justice and the rule is restored in the USA, I hope we get the same judge as in General Flynn case to preside over the trial of the Bloomdogglers. Why did Obama protect the Bloomdogglers?? Maybe so that he could have Doerr help build his library in Chicago? Why did Schumer, Coons and Carper reinstate the 30% investment tax credit for the Bloomdoggle? Maybe because the Doerrs contributed $1.75 million to Senate Democrats. Soon we hope that GREEN LIES MATTER to all Americans and we have the rule of law and equal justice.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Delaware Resets Date To Discuss The Bloomdoggle

Delaware DNREC blinked and the date to discuss the Bloom Energy Bloomdoggle is now January 10, 2019.

I discovered documents that back in November 2018 Bloom tried to gain the permit to replace the $269 million of coffins without even having a hearing.

Bloom claimed the project was A Natural Minor Project

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Air Quality, will conduct a public hearing on the Regulation No. 1102 Natural Minor construction permit applications submitted by Bloom Energy (Diamond State Generating Partners) to replace all fuel cells at their Red Lion site located at 1593 River Road, New Castle and their Brookside site located at 512 E. Chestnut Hill Road, Newark. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Delaware Sets Date To Discuss The Bloomdoggle

The most corrupt state in the union has set December 27 at 6 pm as the date and time for the hearing on the Bloom Bloomdoggle.


They chose the date as they knew most interested parties would be away celebrating the holidays.

These deep staters also chose the second night of Kwanzaa for the hearing.


John Kowalko who is an assemblyman in Delaware has demanded that the hearing be rescheduled.

Also Ms. Karren Mattio who is the deep stater that was involved in the approval of the original fake CZA permit back in 2012 is heading the effort for DE DNREC.  We are demanding she have nothing to do with the hearing and any permit for Bloomdoggle to replace the original coffins that spew CO2, VOCs and Coke into the air.

It is interesting that Putin stood to gain a $60 million penthouse for helping Trump get construction permits in Moscow.   Crooked Collin O'Mara who headed DNREC back in 2012 only got a job at the National Wildlife Federation for his role in the fake CZA permit   Gore, Doerr, Powell and the Bloomdogglers sure knew how to find petty criminals in Delaware state government to assist them.

We are asking that the hearing not be held until Kathy Jennings the new AG of DE is sworn in.  The present AG Matt Denn is a Bloomdoggler.  He was Jack in the Bloom Box Markell's right hand man. Beau Biden who was the DE AG before Denn, was also a Bloomdoggler.

Maybe this hearing will not be a fraud like all the other DNREC hearings that have allowed the Bloomdoggle to defraud Delmarva ratepayers of over $200 million so far.  But then again we are dealing with the state of Deal Away.