January 13, 2012 Bloom tells DNREC (Ali Mirzakhalili) that
there is sulfur filtered out of the pipeline natural gas before entering the
fuel cells. No disclosure of the
resulting solid waste
April 4, 2012 Ms. Walling and Mr. Coyle of DNREC memo to Mr. Haynes in
which you stated the following:
"Upon review ,
the Division of Air Quality agreed that the contents of the fuel cells are not
hazardous; in the event of a mishap regarding these cells - a natural disaster,
an explosion, or human error - the contents of these units will not pose a
April 30, 2012 Collin
O’Mara as Secretary of DNREC grants Bloom the CZA permit
May 8, 2012 Mr. Leveen
of California emails Coyle and Haynes to alert them there is something wrong
with the Bloom CZA Permit application.
June 6, 2012 Bloom asks CA ETP for training money on Hazmat
June 13, 2012 at DE CZIB hearing Bloom under oath claims
asking for CA ETP money was a mistake.
At the same hearing Mr. Robert Phillips Deputy AG DE DOJ barred Mr.
Leveen from testifying depite Mr. Leveen being an expert on Fuel Cells and
August 15, 2012 Bloom and CA ETP Amend Training agreement to
remove Hazmat from training curriculum
October 10, 2013 Bloom finds out from Unicat in Texas that
there is benzene in the desulfurization waste.
Bloom notifies US EPA of the Hazmat.
November 8, 2013 Stephen McDonald Deputy AG DE DOJ writes to
Lindsay Leveen the DE DOJ cannot investigate the fake permit and DE DNREC will
police themselves.
November 22, 2013 Lindsay Leveen writes to Steven McDonald
Deputy AG DE DOJ that Jenifer Bothell is giving him the run around on the DNREC
FOIA records with hazmat
December 5, 2013 Bloom receives a permanent ID from US DOE
for the waste and a Notice of Registration (NoR)
June 2014 Collin O’Mara leaves DNREC in disgrace to hide in
the wilderness as CEO of National Wildlife Federation (a payola job if ever)
July 11, 2014 DNREC starts asking Bloom lots of question on
the solid waste
September 9, 2014 Sam
Ghezavat the Director of EHS at Bloom admits to DNREC that Bloom has lead, arsenic, chromium, and
benzene in the hazmat
January 22, 2015 Bloom their lawyer Michele Corash and DNREC meet
and Corash says Sam Ghezavat did not know what he was doing in admitting there
was hazmat and she will get to the real answers.
April 2, 2015 Mr. Matthew Lintner Deputy AG of DE DOJ write
to Lindsay Leveen that no crimes were committed in the Delaware Bloomdoggle
June 3, 2015 David Ormond Deputy AG DE DOJ advises David
Small to agree with Bloom and use the manufacturing processing unit (MPU)
defense to reclassify the hazmat as non-hazardous. The same day David Small writes to Bloom and
their lawyer Corash to say DNREC is on
Bloom’s song sheet.
September 8, 2015 US EPA Region 3 Shawn Garvin tells Small
that he is wrong and the waste is hazmat
March 30, 2016 Corash
and Bloom’s general counsel contact Avi Garbow the General Counsel of US EPA in
DC to try get DC HQ of the EPA (Gina McCarty) and others to overrule staff.
September 29, 2016 Shawn Garvin region 3 of US EPA writes to
David Small and tells him the MPU story is poppycock and Bloom has Hazmat in
the protected coastal zone of Delaware.
October 3, 2016 US EPA Johnson Barnes EPA HQ DC to all
Division RCRA directors issues an alert nationwide that Bloom has Hazmat.
October 26, 2016 David Small writes to general counsel of
Bloom that DNREC will not fine Bloom for hiding the hazardous waste over the
past four and a half years.
March 15, 2017 Shawn Garvin approved by the Delaware Senate to replace David Small as Secretary of DNREC.