I watched pretty much all of the four day confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh. He sure is one smart man. Besides his mind he struck me as a man with an honest soul. A true mensch.
I heard the phrase "the rule of law and equal justice" 10 to the power 5 times. We all know that there is no rule of law or equal justice when it comes to the Bloom Energy Bloomdoggle. Obama and Biden protected their friends Doerr, Gore, Powell and others.
Two mosquitoes in Chicago were prosecuted while Doerr, Gore, Powell and the Bloomdogglers were protected by the SEC. The two mosquitoes then entered into a NDA with Doerr and the Bloomdogglers to shut up. The Wall Street Journal put the price of the hush job at $16.7 million. A sum I call Stormy Times One Forty. Cohen plans to let Stormy out of the NDA. The Bloomdoggling ecothieves need to let Badger and Duabenspeck out of their NDA so that we can get all the juicy details of the Bloom ecofraud.
We also know that Crooked Chris Coons is one of the Doerr 49 in the Senate. Keating had 5, but Doerr has at least 49 senators in his pocket. Coons proved to be equally stupid as Harris and Booker in the questioning of Clever Kavanaugh. Coons is just one of many who assisted Doerr in the Bloomdoggle. Blumnethal the Blumdoggler from Connecticut was equally out of his league compared to Kavanaugh.
Doerr sits on the board of Alphabet, the parent of Google. Back in July 2008, Google became the first commercial customer of Bloom. This was used by Morgan Stanley to raise a lot of money for Bloom in the Series E. The "commercial test" of the Bloom Box to raise the Series E money was a sham. But Google went happily along to enrich Doerr, Kleiner Perkins and others. Remember in April 2008 the American Society of Mechanical Engineers had ranked Bloom as the worst fuel cell on market.
In early 2009 Google and the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga gave Cypress Semi a fake testimonial about how great the Bloom boxes were.
In February 2010, Larry Page of Google helped unstealth Bloom at their coming out party at the eBay head quarters. He promised to install Blooms boxes at every Google data center. Yes those data centers that Google uses to spy on all of humanity who are online. As far as we know Google did not install Bloom Coffins at all of their data centers. Why???
These are facts not conjecture. I have asked the Audit Committee of the board of directors of Alphabet to investigate these facts and to remedy the wrong that Google has caused in the Bloomdoggle.
I do hope that Kavanaugh when confirmed will join the other eight justices of the supreme court to end the unlawful protection that the SEC has given Doerr and the other Bloomdoggler. The SEC must reopen the Advanced Equities / Bloom Energy case and not simply fry two mosquitoes but go after the big sharks swimming and feeding in the swamp. Deep State Doerr is a great white shark.
Crooked Coons and his leader Schumer the Bloomer may have reinstated the 30% tax credit for their friend Deep State Doerr but in the end the long arm of the laws of thermodynamics will get the Googlers and Bloomdogglers. What Coons, Blumenthal, Harris and Booker need to do is to now let equal justice and the rule of law happen. We want incarceration not subsidization of greenwashed ecofraudsters. We also want Google to really not be evil, but that may be too tall an order.