Friday, July 13, 2018

KR Shridhar The DR Shredder Of Dollars

Shridhar the CEO of Bloomdoggle goes by the name KR.  There is a wood chipper company called the DR Shredder.  KR Shridhar has shredded $4.5 billion in the Bloomdoggle,  He has renamed DR Shredder

I compared KR to Minkow of ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning.  Minkow did not shred $4,5 billion.  Minkow did not get $1.5 billion in taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies.  And as far as I know Minkow did not generate million of pounds of hazardous solid waste.  Minkow was never hugged by Arnie and Schumer the Bloomer.

DR claims Professional Power Done Right.  KR claimed Better Electrons and we know we the people were Done Wrong.

Minkow got 25 years.

Shridhar should get the electric chair powered by better electrons

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