I had contacted the NJ Board of Public Utilities who in turn
contacted Bloom’s lawyer Elizabeth McKeever:
Elizabeth M. McKeever
Bevan, Mosca, Giuditta
& Zarillo, P.C.
222 Mount Airy Road,
Suite 200
Basking Ridge, NJ
This is the response she gave and I quote:
Response: The Bloom project
manager, Mr. DeMeis provided the following testimony: “…the emission is
773 pounds per megawatt on natural gas. That’s the average.” He
also referred to the Bloom Energy Data sheet “cutsheet” which specified 773 lbs
of CO2/MWh at a specified efficiency of approximately 57% LHV. As an
average would indicate, the systems actually function in a range of efficiency
so there is some variance in the CO2 emissions within tolerances. For
example, presently the Bloom Energy Servers deployed in Freehold and Middletown
are both performing at above 60% LHV efficiency with a resulting CO2 emissions
rate of less than 735 lbs/MWh, well below and considerably favorable to the 773
lbs of CO2/MWh referenced in the testimony. There will be some
degradation in efficiency of the Bloom Energy Servers over time resulting
in a slight increase in the CO2 emissions rate which is why the 773 lbs/MWh was
referred to as an average number in the testimony. This average of 773
lbs/MWh is comprised of a range of performance that is expected to be 735-849
lbs of CO2/MWh based on an efficiency range of 60% to 52% LHV. Current
Bloom Energy Server data sheets clearly reflect this range. The New
Jersey Clean Energy CHP-FC program also mandates a performance level above 50%
The Delaware performance numbers
referenced by Mr. Leveen are not relevant to this discussion. The numbers
cited are for a utility scale deployment with unique target efficiencies
specified in that particular Delaware-specific tariff. There are also gas
quality issues in the region as well that have periodically impacted
performance. Bloom Energy is in compliance with all the Delaware Public
Service Commission tariffs and environmental agency regulations and permits in
the State.”
OK let’s analyze the response. The 773 pounds of CO2/mwh equals a heat rate
of 6.6 million BTUs/mwh. This was the
MAXIMUM not the AVERAGE that Bloom promised under penalty of perjury in their
January 13, 2012 Coastal Zone Act Permit Application in Delaware. Suddenly they have a range and 773 is in the
range. The lawyer and Bloom fails first
grade arithmetic 773 is not the average of 735 and 849. The average is 792.
Now Bloom claims to operate in Delaware under a “tariff’. This is correct a bogus tariff that does not
match a fake permit. The bogus tariff allows an average of 884 pounds CO2/mwh . Way outside Bloom's new range for the ES 5700 Bloom Coffin. Bloom operates in
Delaware under the protection of Governor Magic Jack Markell who should be
impeached. His sidekicks O’Mara and
Levin have resigned due to the BLOOMDOGGLE and Markell should be next to go.
Now the zinger of the lawyer’s admission of the solid waste
with sulfur and I quote:
“Response: Bloom Energy Servers do not produce
sulfur. Because natural gas is odorless, virtually all gas suppliers in
the United States add sulfur compounds to their natural gas as a safety
precaution, allowing those in the vicinity to smell the gas in the event there
is a pipeline leak. The sulfur compounds, however, impede the function of the
fuel cell and their removal ensures longer system life and enhanced
productivity. So a sulfur removal unit consisting of sealed metal
canisters containing sorbent beds is included with each Bloom Energy Server to
remove sulfur compounds from the natural gas stream before it enters the fuel
cell system. Periodically these sealed desulfurization canisters are
removed and replaced as sorbent material is used up.
At the time of replacement, the filter materials have essentially
the same make up as when they were new. In addition, they have adsorbed a
small amount of sulfur compounds, which are filtered from the natural gas
stream and accumulated in the sorbent. The sulfur and sulfur compounds
captured in this process are not considered hazardous waste per the EPA
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. The sorbent
materials may also contain trace amounts of hydrocarbons or other organic
compounds which are naturally present in natural gas. The canisters remain
sealed until they are opened and treated at an EPA licensed facility. Throughout
the process, Bloom adheres to all applicable federal, state and local
environmental requirements.”
A little sulfur in a heavy canister with sorbent means tons
of solid waste with sulfur ending up in the EPA licensed facility. If the waste is harmless why send it all the
way sealed up in a steel canister to an EPA licensed facility that is out of state??? Bloom needs to tell us what the chemistry is
before and after the sulfur is trapped and also Bloom needs to tell us how much
waste is treated at the EPA licensed facility.
The lawyer misspoke that the only sulfur compounds in the pipeline
natural gas are those added to impart odor.
There are naturally occurring sulfur compounds in natural gas besides
the odorant.
The lawyer is clever but not that clever Bloom is now stuck
in having admitted the solid waste with sulfur is large and ends up in an EPA
licensed facility. None of this waste
was in the coastal zone act permit that Collin O’Mara fraudulently
approved. This clown has resigned, and
his whole department at the Delaware DNREC is under investigation. The CZA permit in DE has a maximum of 773
pounds of CO2/mwh not an average. The
lawyer has impeached Bloom and has helped them dig a deeper hole that they are
burying themselves in. The Bloom Box is
a Bloom Coffin. Markell has to go. The DE professional engineering association
needs to strip as many as five professional engineers of their PE licenses, and
Bloom needs to return $1 billion of ill-gotten ratepayer and taxpayer money.
The Green Machine AKA The Thermonator needs Al Gore to admit
that not even Tipper believes him anymore.
Thermo Rules and I have copyrighted the lyrics of GreenThieves that is
sung to the tune of Greensleeves. This
will be the theme song of the documentary movie “The BLOOMDOGGLE – Celsius 1960” Da Da…Da Da…. Da Da Da.. Da Da. Interestingly Henry the 8th wrote
the original lyrics to Greensleeves. Al
Gore’s girth is getting up to be a Henry.
The first Verse of GreenThieves is as follows:
Alas, my congressman, you do me wrong,
To cast me off discourteously.
For I have chased you well and long,
Delighting in your gangrenery.
Green Thieves Took all my dough,
Green Thieves made sulfur go.
Green Thieves Took tons of gold,
and who but our greedy Green Thieves.
Copyright Lindsay Leveen 2015