The mission of Greenexplored dot com is to give lay people
the access to scientific truth in the green space. There has been so much hype, lies, fraud, and
pure nonsense sold by hucksters, governments, and academics in the green space
that scientific truth is very scarce. This is
a sad indictment of the academics who are at the pig trough of government
funding, governments that are at the pig
troughs of the hucksters, and the hucksters who are at the pig troughs of
ratepayer and taxpayer funds. We the people
fund the nonsense, the thermodynamic lies, and the world continues to pay the
price of the whole scam.
I have reported on the latest scam in California for grid
energy storage. I have reported on the
BLOOMDOGGLE. I have reported on the KIOR
fraud. I have reported on the Ivanpah and Kemper power generation debacles. I have
reported on the missing sulfur waste in fuel cells that use natural gas as
fuel. This blog will cover the need for
scientific truth in setting energy policy.
We will deal with a mythical state called Deal Away where corruption in
rampant and people are ill informed. Sadly Deal Away is not mythical it is real and is Delaware.
Once upon a time Deal Away was home to the nation’s leading
Chemical companies. Its state university
had the highest ranking Chemical Engineering department in the country. It was a leader in science. It all changed when the state became a one
party state and the ruling party turned to perpetuating its rule by selling
itself to the Complex and simply avoiding science.
In the 1970s Deal Away led the country in protecting the
coastal zone. In 2012 Deal Away led the
country in permitting a BLOOMDOGGLE in the coastal zone. That leading state university became the
landlord of the Bloomdogglers and abandoned the laws of thermodynamics simply
to perpetuate the myth of affordable, clean, and reliable energy from Fool
Cells, when the university knew full well that the devices generate dirty,
unreliable and highly unaffordable electricity.
Deal Away also hosted a failed plug in car company.
Who was the mastermind behind the failed plug in car company
and the Bloomdoggle. It was none other
than a failed presidential candidate who suddenly thought he was a haricot vert and the green giant. This failed
presidential candidate had claimed to invent the internet and now he was
sprouting convenient untruth about industries that were “green” and
transformative. But the science behind the
green technology was actually false and fraudulent. The
state university went along for the ride.
The Governor who is thermodynamically impaired went along for the ride. The director of economic development went
along for the ride. The state DOJ went
along for the ride. The Public Service Commission was told to go along with the ride. And the Oxford
University trained head of the state EPA lied to make the ride possible. There simply was no scientific truth in any
of the bodies that have authority in Deal Away.
Sadly the rest of the USA is beginning to resemble Deal
Away. The Caliphate of Caliphornia is
in similar shape. The once venerable
University of Caliphornia in Bezerkeley helped orchestrate massive scientific
fraud in the arena of bio fuels and low carbon transportation fuels. The Caliphornia Public Utilities Commission
is owned by the utilities, the Bloomdogglers, and the green hypers. This commission cannot even report the
results of their billion dollar bloomdoggle in self generation of electricity.
The only way we will ever get the rule of law is to start
getting the rule of the laws of thermodynamics and letting science dictate
energy policy. Sadly I have to say there
is a dearth of science in any of the departments (federal, state or local) that
help set energy and environmental policy.
We are probably far worse off than any time since the middle-ages in
concocting false science to suit the ruling class. The populace is probably as ignorant of
science as folks living under the rule of Pope Paul V.
If only billions of people read and stopped watching the Kardasians we may get cars that dash
at 50 miles per gallons instead of fakes like Fisker. Sadly people prefer Kim and green hype to science. My comfort is that thermodynamics has prevailed
since the big bang and will continue to prevail until the end of the
universe. I just won’t be around to see the end of the
universe unless of course the deal with Iran goes through. Iran may pretend they want green electrons from uranium, my science tells me otherwise.