Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bloom Project Manager Explains CO2 Emissions

I have reported that Mr. Demeis a Project Manager for Bloom discussed how solid waste with sulfur is sent to California in his November 5, 2014 testimony to the Middletown New Jersey Planning Board.

I reread the transcript and now I have Mr. Demeis under oath stating that CO2 emissions are 773 pounds per megawatt hour and he uses their company’s “cut sheet” as the basis.

Remember that Bloom changed their web site and the “cut sheet” after NBC Bay Area (thanks to me) exposed the fact that Bloom did not meet that level of CO2 emissions in Delaware.  The new cut sheet has a range of 735 to 849 pounds of CO2 per mwh.  The new cut sheet went live about the same time that Mr. DeMeis gave his testimony.  His testimony is therefore false as we all know the 773 pounds of CO2 per mwh could not be achieved and Bloom essentially admitted this by quickly changing their web site and cut sheets after NBC Bay Area aired their investigative report on October 20, 2014.

Here is a link to the new cut sheet form Bloom’s web site

Here is a link to NBC Bay Area report

I suggest the hearing meeting of November 5, 2014 be declared null and void and the whole thing be reheard.

In the British Commonwealth Nov 5 is Celebrated as Guy Fawkes Day and fireworks are lit.  My noise actually is louder than fireworks, my noise makes the wicked tremble.

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