Sunday, April 28, 2013

Video of the House Fisker Hearing

The house committee has a link to a video of the entire hearing on Fisker.  Here is that link.

In the second session at about 1 hour and 56 minutes, Congressman Jordan reveals that the new Acting Secretary Of Energy Mr. Poneman had an "interest in Fisker".  DOE lawyers then recused Mr. Poneman from further involvement in the Fisker loans but this was after Mr. Poneman was actively involved in discussions and conversations at the DOE regarding the DOE loans to Fisker.

Yes Dr. Chu has finally left the Department of Entropy.  Poneman was sworn in last week to be the acting Secretary till the new secretary is confirmed.

I think that the gates of Fiskergate are opening.  Ray Lane has been axed from active duty as a "partner" at Kleiner Perkins.  Mr. Fisker has been axed from Fisker.  HP also got rid of their chairman Mr. Ray Lane.  The DOE got rid of Dr. Chu and not a moment too soon.

In the Nixon era we had Watergate and Mr. Nixon had to live with that legacy of an amateurish break in.  Mr. Obama will have to live with the legacy of the most incompetent and corrupt department of energy ever.  Of course Dr. Chu can claim he was an amateur but to do that he would have to return his Nobel Prize in low temperature physics.  President Obama can truthfully claim he was an amateur in fact he can claim he was a neophyte.  The President can return his undeserved Nobel Peace Prize simply because the world has become far less peaceful in the past five years even with his apology for the US's approach to terrorism and foreign policy under his predecessor.

I believe that Mr. Obama should offer US citizens an apology for the utter incompetence of and corruption at his department of energy.  He should openly assist the house committee that is investigating the connection of DOE loans to crony capitalists like Doerr, Gore, Powell, Lane, Khosla, and Rice    

As for Dr. Chu he should hang his brilliant head that knew far better in utter shame.  He simply is a physicist who sold out the laws of thermodynamics for political reasons.

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