Friday, April 5, 2013

Fisker Fiasco - Fires 160 Workers

 Update - ABC News is all over the story and linking it to Solyndra.  Al Gore has gone into hiding.  Joe Biden is missing.  Obama is asking Steven Chu for answers.  Chu should be indicted for treason and Governor Markell of the First Sate was seen buying Depends.  Here is the ABC News Link

Here is a link to how the Governor of Delaware reacted to the news that Al Jazeera Gore could not pull of the whiskers of the Fiskers

The question is who told Governor Markell the news?   Was it Mr. Gore, Mr. Biden, Dr. Chu, Mr. Obama or the tooth fairy?

Fisker fires 80% of their workers today according to Bloomberg

A sad day for 160 people!!!   My take on Ray Lane resigning yesterday from HP as the Hewlett Packard Chairman is that he will take the heat for Al Jazeera Gore and Joe Biden in the Fisker Fiasco.

Ray Lane is Al Jazeera Gore's partner at Kleiner Perkins and is the KP guy on Fisker's Board of Directors.  Fisker will be a very public debacle and many investigations will be held.  Ray Lane will be one busy guy taking all the punches for Al Gore, Joe Biden and KP in this fiasco.

Ray messed up HP and probably should have been fired at the last shareholders' meeting but he needs to put 110% effort as a football coach would say to keep the Fisker mess contained.  Hopefully Ray has a big brush to clean this toilet.

I do hope Senator Grassley goes big time after them all who brought the Pox of Fisker upon us.

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