Thursday, October 30, 2014

Delmarva Comes “Clean” On BLOOMDOGGLE

Suddenly DELMARVA power got real in it submission of charges to the DE PSC for the Bloom Boxes.  Since the inception of the project when the first monthly charge submission was made by DELMARVA to the PSC  in June 2012, DELMARVA has used a very low cost of natural gas to calculate the amount of money owed to Bloom under the “bogus” electric tariff.  Until last month DELMARVA continued to use the falsely low costs of natural gas to calculate the monthly payment to Bloom.  I have questioned why Delmarva was doing this and I have reasoned that they DELMARVA wished to hide the profit they make in the markup of natural gas to fuel the Bloom Boxes. 

In the latest monthly submission dated October 23, 2014 DELMARVA finally comes clean on the cost of natural gas.  On the final page line 10 the cost of natural gas is shown month by month in $ per Dt (dekatherm or million BTU).  It is shown in the very right column for the January 2015 charge to be $9.14 per Dt.  The previous months were $4.24, $3.66, $3.05, $3.75, $5.64 and then the $9.14.  The difference in the latest October 23, 2014 filing is that DELMARVA is finally showing their markup in the price of the natural gas the Bloom Boxes use.  I have contended that DELMARVA was making this profit all along and this is one reason why they went along as “Bloom’s Agent” with the BLOOMDOGGLE of green energy.

The other reason that DELMARVA went along with the BLOOMDOGGLE was to get out from under power purchase agreements for wind and solar power that would have been On Balance Sheet.    Of course helping the Governor help his friends Al Gore, John Doerr, and Collin Powell is also good for business.  By my estimate DELMARVA is making approximately $4 million a year on the marked up natural gas.  DELMARVA is happy that Bloom exceeds its permitted amount of gas usage per megawatt hour.  The more gas Bloom uses the more money Delmarva makes on gas sales.   In the October 2014 submission the heat rate is now 7.39 million BTU per mwh not the 6.6 million BTU per mwh that Mr. Brockenborough a VP of Bloom under penalty of perjury said would be the maximum gas usage when he applied for a coastal zone permit in Deal Away on January 13, 2012.

If you all want to get a big chuckle about the sleaze of politicians in Deal Away click on this NBC link how a state senator’s hubby at 4 am in the dead of night stole the signs of the opposing Republican message.  This senator has had two phone calls with me and others in which she claimed to want to help to get to the bottom of the BLOOMDOGGLE.  Yeah the missing sulfur may have gone the way of the missing signs.

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