Sadly Beau Biden a young man of 46 has passed. Brain cancer is terrible disease and I am shocked
and saddened that he had to suffer. Even
his political opponents on both sides of the aisle have called him a fine
man. I am sure he was a fine man, and a
great son, brother, husband, and father.
I am sure he was a soldier with
courage and honor. He was brave to
fight cancer. May he rest in peace and
his family and all friends find comfort in their grief.
I as the Green Machine did write to him several times in his
capacity as the Attorney General of Delaware to investigate Bloom Energy, Colin
O’Mara, Governor Markell, and others in the now famous BLOOMDOGGLE. Two of his assistant attorney generals contacted
me and chose to let the BLOOMDOGGLE continue under the guise that Governor
Markell and others were defendants in a civil law suit in Federal Court brought
by Fuel Cell Energy for constraint of trade in Deal Away.
Jack Markell had this to say at the passing of Beau Biden:
"Carla and I are
heartbroken for Hallie, his children, his parents, his siblings, and the entire
Biden family. Beau spent his entire career in the service of his country and
his state. He was an outstanding Attorney General, lawyer, soldier, and father.
I feel privileged to have served with him and Delaware is a better place thanks
to him, Markell said in a statement. "Beau was also a friend. He was
unfailingly interested in the well being of Carla, my kids and my extended
family. My entire family is shattered by his death. "
I do believe that Delaware is a better place thanks to Beau
Biden. Sadly it is a far worse place
thanks to Magic Jack Markell, Collin Make the Sulfur Disappear O’Mara, Alan
Give the Money To Bloom and Fisker Levin, and others that gave Delaware the
massive failures of Bloom Energy and Fisker.
Mr. Doerr, Mr. Gore, and Mr. Powell have made sure that they got richer
while the average person in Delaware got screwed. Governor Markell, Secretary O’Mara, Mr. Levin
and others in Delaware government let this happen.
Hide The Sulfur O’Mara resigned in disgrace last year and I
now have asked the Board of the National Wildlife Federation to investigate why
he is the President of the NWF. Alan Levin
has resigned effective the end of June. This
leaves Magic Jack Markell as the last man standing to answer for the Bogus Tariff
that does not match the Fake Permit in the BLOOMDOGGLE that extracts over $30
million each year in subsidy from the poor and middle class to Al Gore and his
When the Federal Lawsuit brought by Fuel Cell Energy is
settled, then the Delaware DOJ will be in a position to investigate the Fake
Permit in the Coastal Zone, and the Bogus Tariff that does not match the Fake Permit. I do hope the Fuel Cell Energy suit ends soon
and real justice can be brought to the first state. After the Delaware DOJ brings justice to all
of Delmarva’s rate payers for the crimes against nature and humanity in the
BLOOMDOGGLE, Delaware will be a far far far better place. As soon as the NWF boots O’Mara it too will
be a far far far better organization.