Monday, November 17, 2014

Bloom is Digging A Deep Hole in New Zealand

The Bloomdogglers have made news in New Zealand.  The NZ Herald (Matt Nippert) wrote the following article on the Bloomdoggle

Quoting from the article

Matt Ross, chief marketing officer for Bloom, said the NBC story was misleading. "Their report is a hodge podge from different time periods. They're comparing apples to oranges to rocks," Ross said.

Who is Matt Ross ?

Matt Ross is the chief marketing officer at Bloom that helps keep the Bloomdoggle going.  He is a guy who worked most of his life in an advertising agency.   He probably never studied thermo 101!  Yet he knows the difference between apples, oranges, and rocks.  Mr. Ross we are turning over each rock in the Bloomdoggle and finding corruption and graft hidden under them.  The apples are rotten.  The oranges have a sulfur hue.

Mr. Ross you contradicted Mr. Brockenborough and the NZ Herald article now has you on record as saying “Ross said the Delaware site had been operational for more than two years and was half-way through a maintenance cycle requiring replacement of fuel stacks, leading to anticipated loss of performance.”  Remember Mr. Brockenborough wrote under penalty of perjury that the maximum usage of natural gas would be 1.32 million BTU per hour per 200 kw server.  Mr. Brockenborough certainly did not disclose any “anticipated loss in performance” in his January 13, 2012 coastal zone act permit application. 

Mr. Ross you are about halfway through your green-washing cycle and you soon will be replaced.  Better still we may place you in the dryer when you are fully greenwashed and spin dried.  We don't need your marketing spin.  We need a full and unfettered investigation into you and your corrupt company!

Amazing how these Green Washers at Bloom continue to dig a deeper hole for themselves.

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