Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams Superman

Of course Robin Williams has nothing to do with thermo, but he lived in my town and he was the greatest comedic mind of the past 20 years.   Sadly he died yesterday in my little town of Tiburon and the world is focusing in tribute to this amazing man.  Robin attended the local high school and added massively to the humor and knowledge in the world.  He simply was a genius and a mensch of a person.  I doubt he read my pieces in our local paper the Tiburon Ark and I doubt he ever heard of the Green Machine.

I did a google search to see if Robin ever joked about energy using the words Robin Williams Joke Energy and got 33 million links.   The links talk to the endless energy that Robin Williams had.  One link discussed Meryl Streep saying that Robin had “unstoppable energy”

Robin did look a bit like Bono and told a joke about Bono clapping his hands

I once joked in a blog that Bono told Al Gore that even Bono did not believe Al Gore anymore.   I do not know if Robin believed Al Gore although he did help Clinton and Gore raise money when Clinton was president.  I voted for Clinton twice so I do not hold that against Robin.  Note unlike most democrats I did not vote twice for Clinton in the same election.

Had Robin studied thermo he would have mastered it beautifully.  His mind was as sharp as a bell.  Had I tried to become a comedian I would have failed miserably.  It is very hard to say who the funniest man in Tiburon is now as we lost our funniest man ever.   Sadly that role of funniest man in Tiburon could be mine now.  Robin you made me laugh over and over and now that you are up there please tell God a joke.

I still have to convince those on earth like Al Gore that Doubt Fire that there is no fuel like an old fuel and fossil fuels are bloody old  and that you can fuel some of the people some of the time but you cannot fuel all of the people all of the time.  Robin your job is done and you certainly added in large measure to mending the world.  Have fun with your college buddy and good friend Christopher Reeves, he played Superman you were Superman.  The photo is of a sunset over the San Francisco Bay taken from Tiburon that I took last summer.  Each time I will look to the west over the bay I will think of how Robin lit up my life. - The Green Machine Tiburon CA.