Sunday, May 5, 2013

O Sol Mia - SoloPower

There is a famous Italian song O Sol Mia that has these lyrics

What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!
The air is serene after a storm,
The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!
But another sun that's brighter still,
It's my own sun that's upon your face!
The sun, my own sun, it's upon your face!
It's upon your face!
When night comes and the sun has gone down,
I almost start feeling melancholy;
I'd stay below your window
When night comes and the sun has gone down.
But another sun that's brighter still,
It's my own sun that's upon your face!
The sun, my own sun, it's upon your face!
It's upon your face!

Now we have another failed CIGs based PV company called SoloPower.

Remember Dr Chu was the biggest supporter of CIGs chemistry for PV and the Chinese clobbered him with simple and extremely cheap silicon.  Old Chu is now a prof at Stanford and is looking for “another sun that is brighter still”.  I doubt Chu is contrite and doubt he is almost feeling melancholy.   He probably will give lectures to Stanford students explaining why CIGs was a better chemistry than silicon and that had the Chinese not conspired against him the sun would never had set on SoloPower and Solyndra.

From the photo above one can see that the idea SoloPower had, was to lay long strips of carpet like CIGs PV cells on a flat roof and save on installation costs.  Solyndra’s business plan was also to save on installation costs.  The Chinese plan was to make a cheap solar cell and let others figure it out how to install the cells as inexpensively as possible.  SoloPower never drew the loan money that Chu wanted to give them, but the State of Oregon got to see a spectacular sunset and is now foreclosing on the assets in the factory in Portland.

As for me my favorite sun song is by the Beatles and is “here comes the sun”.    For SoloPower, Oregon, and Dr Chu they can sing the last verse as  “here come the Chinese - here come the Chinese – its all over – it’s all over   Sun Sun Sun”.





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