Sunday, September 17, 2017

Even Up the Playing Field In the Fuel Cell Space

I just sent this email.  It is the hydrogen bomb of fuel cells so to speak

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Lindsay Leveen

Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 5:51 PM
To: "andrew.marsh" , "adam.babcock" , "richard.goettler" , "Charles.Osborne" , John NIchols , "patcharin.burke" , "shailesh.vora " , hnewsome , "Goddard, Kurt" ,, oh04ima , Chris Coons , Tom Carper , "john.carney" , Senator , "Attorney.General" , "McDonald, Stephen (DOJ)" , "Durstein III, Ralph (DOJ)" ,, "shawn.garvin" , dsmall , Alan Muller , Amy Roe , Nancy Willing , Michael Picker , "Murtishaw, Scott" , "amend, carol" , "John A." , "Johnson.barnes" , avakians , peikins , stoltzr ,, "Schneider, Erin" ,, "Joel B. Pollak" , Tucker Carlson , "H. Sterling Burnett" , "anne.thompson" , Julian Spector , lacey , Katie Fehrenbacher , Robert Rapier , Attorney General , "Stein, Robert" , "Bachman, Melanie" , "Hartigan, Matthew (DOS)" , "Knotts, Pamela (DOS)" , Peggy Abshagen

Dear Competitors of Bloom Energy

We all know that The Bloom Energy Bloomdoggle enjoyed the advantage of
massively crooked government from Dover to DC and from Hartford to
Sacramento that gave away over $1.2 billion in subsidy to Al Gore and
the gangrene cronies at Bloom.

I think that the FTC is supposed to make sure that competition is fair
in these United States.  The competitiors of Bloom should know that
the FTC has sat on the investigation of greenwashing by Bloom under
the US green Guides since October 2012.  Obama and Biden protected
Bloom.  No doubt about that.  I asked for that investigation and
Senator Dianne Feinstein assisted me.

The corrupt government in Delaware is from top to bottom.  The DE DOJ
obstructed justice and went as far as blocking me from testifying at a
June 13, 2012 hearing of the Coasat Zone Industrial Board.  I would
have testified that Bloom had hazmat which is not allowed in the
protected coastal zone.  This would have prevented over a quarter
billion dollars in subsidies for the Delaware Bloomdoggle to have been
wasted.  The money was extracted using a fake Coastal Zone Act permit
and a Bogus tariff that crooked Delmarva Power and Lies got approved.

DE DNREC sided with Bloom and its lying lawyer a former general
counsel of the EPA, that the hazmat was not hazmat.  The DE DOJ
rendered an opinion for the then secretary of DNREC siding with Bloom.
Of course EPA staff could not be bought or fooled even though Bloom
with the help of the crooked government in Dover and DC tried to get
EPA HQ to overrule the technical staff of the EPA.

The CA CPUC handed Bloom over $300 million in SGIP money all the while
Bloom was greenwashing CO2 emissions and hiding hazardous waste.

Luckily we have Donald Trump as president and he was instructed by
Obama to have the rule of law and equal justice, so now the FTC, EPA,
SEC, US DOT, US Postal Inspector, US DOJ are working on how to end the
Bloomdoggle which is America's 21st century Green Teapot Dome scandal.

Normally industrial companies collude to fix price.  In the
Bloomdoggle the federal government and the states (CT, NY, NJ, CA, DE
and others) colluded with Al Gore, John Doerr, Colin Powell and others
to screw ratepayers and taxpayers.  Normally the FTC goes after
industrial companies.  The Bloomdoggle is a case where industrial
companies should go after the FTC.

In Chicago the SEC went after Advanced Equities and two minnows named
Badger and Daubespeck for hyping Bloom in stock sales.  Obama and
Biden protected the real stock fraudsters, Gore, Doerr, Powell,
Sandell, Rodgers etc. who should have been charged.  The SEC colluded
with Bloom and screwed its competitors, taxpayers, and ratepayers.
Yes our Federal government was in bed with Bloom, Doerr, Gore, Powell,
Sandell, and other eco fraudsters.

You all try compete with Bloom but our government made it a foregone
conclusion who they wanted to win.  They wanted Bloom to win.  But
even with all of this graft and collusion Bloom still managed to lose
over $2 billion in the past decade.  On top of the losses, Bloom also
managed to blow through over $1.2 billion in taxpayer and ratepayer
subsidies, and is teetering on bankruptcy.

What is now needed is honest government and a full investigation of
the Bloomdoggle including having Joe Biden testify under oath how he
swayed the deal in Delaware.  Anything less than that is a
whitewashing of the greenwashing by the biggest set of eco thieves to
ever concoct a gangrene scheme.  It is RICO and it is a massive

Bloom is Solyndra times eight and Flint on Steroids.

Thermodynamics Trumps Everything, especially a crooked corrupt
government that is simply out of control.

Yes in this case locking them up and throwing away the key makes sense

The Green Machine


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