Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Midsummer Night’s and Father's Day Dream

We are almost reaching the zenith of the sun’s highest arc in the northern hemisphere and we are still dreaming of greener pastures.  Who knows what dreams will be started or ended in the coming week?   This weekend the Greeks vote and their dreams are just to survive not to drown in a sea of debt.  The dream of a European Union seems to be turning into a nightmare.  The dream of millions of green jobs in the developed economies has certainly ended without much success.   The dream of the Arab spring of a year ago is fading rapidly into civil wars and overturned elections by the hands of the military.  The dream of economic growth in the OECD has all but evaporated.  

For A 123, Ener 1, Valence, and the US DOE it was a short dream of competitive lithium ion batteries produced in the USA.  For First Solar it was also an abruptly ended dream when their Cadmium Telluride PV technology got stomped on by cheap and probably government subsidized Chinese silicon based cells.  First Solar had enjoyed the position of lowest cost manufacturer of PV cells till about a year ago and then they simply hit a wall in being able to reduce production costs.   The Chinese simply give away their silicon cells at or below cash production costs.

I do believe the President did start out in 2009 with an honest yet naïve dream that he could successfully steer the US away from fossil fuels and could create a couple million jobs in the new green industries.  The President never did study thermodynamics and he selected a Secretary of Energy who certainly did.  What the President did not know was that his choice for Energy Secretary would end as it did as a nightmare with tens of billions of dollars hopelessly spent on failed companies and technologies. 

Thermodynamics is not based on dreams, it is basically the force in the universe that limits the free ride.  I have oft blogged that I told the US Senate almost three years ago that thermodynamics would constrain the adoption of the electric vehicle.  Perhaps the Green Machine should have gone right to the top and rather should have written to the President and informed him of the pitfalls of funding A 123, Fisker, Tesla, Ener 1, and others.   

To be fair to the President, his predecessor also gave away billions of wasted dollars for the hydrogen and ethanol economies.  To be fair to Chu Chu he is no worse than Sam The Sham Bodman another PhD (chemical engineering) who forgot his sophomore year studies of Kelvin, Carnot and Gibbs.   Chu Chu is just a thoroughly incompetent manager and was completely clueless of the global competition that cleaned our collective clock.
Now as we move forward and want we need competence and we need a transparent and thermodynamically honest energy policy.   President Obama must stop blaming his failure on what he inherited.  If he prevails in the election he has to find a new and highly competent Energy Secretary.  If he fails to win reelection, his opponent better select an Energy Secretary who is both knowledgeable but also more importantly a highly competent manager who is aware of the global competitive landscape.

On this Father’s Day in mid-summer, I do dream that my child and her yet to be born children will have a life as nice as I have enjoyed, and that she will not be relegated to living in a minor province of China.  We cannot afford misguided energy policy any longer!!


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  9. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a Shakespearean comedy play, written between 1590 and 1596, renowned for its whimsical and fantastical elements. The play explores themes of love, magic, mistaken identity, and the supernatural, set in a forest where four young lovers become entangled with a group of mischievous fairies led by Puck. On the other hand, Father's Day is a special day celebrated on the third Sunday in June in the United States and many other countries, expressing gratitude and love for fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and other paternal figures. People often express their appreciation by giving cards, gifts, and spending time with their fathers.average semi truck accident settlement

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  13. "Midsummer nights and Father's Day dream" is a poetic and whimsical poem that blends the enchantment of midsummer with the sentiments of Father's Day. The poem describes a special chapter in June where fathers become the orchestrators of warmth and wisdom, casting a gentle glow on the dreams we hold dear. It's a celestial ballet of love, where paternal bonds and midsummer magic intertwine, creating a timeless sonnet that resonates in the heart's quietest corners. As the twilight of midsummer nights paints the sky in soft enchantment, we find ourselves immersed in a Father's Day dream. In this juncture of celestial alignment and familial affection, we uncover the poetry of midsummer nights and the prose of a Father's Day dream, where love is both the lyric and the melody.Will and Estate Lawyer Near Me

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  16. To celebrate Father's Day with a Shakespearean theme, consider creating a whimsical and Shakespearean Father's Day card featuring quotes or paraphrased lines from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." An outdoor Shakespearean movie night can be a delightful and unique celebration, paired with a barbecue or picnic. Personalized Shakespearean bookmarks can be crafted using quotes from Shakespeare's plays and gifted to the father along with his favorite books. A Shakespearean-themed dinner can be hosted with a menu inspired by the Elizabethan era, featuring dishes named after characters or scenes from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." An outdoor garden celebration can be arranged, incorporating fairy lights and greenery for an enchanting atmosphere. A Shakespearean reading can be a special bonding activity for the father-daughter or father-son, allowing them to discuss the play's themes and characters. A Shakespearean-inspired gift can be chosen, such as a book by Shakespeare, a framed quote, or an item related to the play. Tailor these ideas to your father's interests and preferences to create a memorable and enjoyable Father's Day celebration.bufete de abogados de lesiones personales virginia

  17. "Pensamiento de una Noche de Verano y el Día del Padre" es una combinación de dos títulos: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" y "Father's Day". Estos son dos conceptos diferentes: uno es una obra de teatro escrita por William Shakespeare y el otro es un día de honrar a los padres. Se puede ayudar a resolver preguntas específicas sobre "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Father's Day", o una combinación particular de estos temas. Por favor, proporciona más detalles para mejorar la ayuda. Se puede ayudar a ayudar a resolver más preguntas, ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar a ayudar.virginia statute of limitations personal injury minor

  18. "Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare and "Father's Day." Creative ideas include hosting an outdoor Shakespearean celebration with fairy lights, floral arrangements, and Shakespearean quotes, or organizing a themed picnic or barbecue in a natural setting. Create unique Father's Day cards with Shakespearean quotes or references, reflecting the enchanting and poetic language found in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Set up an outdoor movie night with a cozy picnic or barbecue, creating a magical atmosphere under the stars. Consider giving Shakespeare-inspired or "Midsummer Night's Dream" themed gifts for Father's Day, including books, artwork, or theater performance tickets. These ideas can be tailored to suit the preferences or interests of the person celebrating, adding a unique and memorable touch to special occasions.dui en virginia

  19. The phrase "Midsummer Nights and Father's Day Dream" is a playful variation of Shakespeare's famous play "A Midsummer Night's Dream," known for its magical and whimsical elements. The play features fairies, love potions, and mistaken identities, while Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and father figures. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this phrase, feel free to provide more details abogados de accidentes.

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    The text suggests a compelling introduction that connects the themes of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and Father's Day, emphasizing the connection between the play's magical and whimsical elements and the joyous spirit of Father's Day celebrations. It also includes examples from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" that parallel the warmth and familial bonds of Father's Day. It also mentions special Father's Day events, activities, and promotions, urging readers to participate in a unique way. Quotes from Shakespeare's play are used to enhance the thematic coherence of the piece. Anecdotes or personal stories are shared to illustrate the theme, providing a relatable and human touch. The narrative is maintained through a smooth flow between paragraphs, and multimedia elements like images or illustrations are used to visually enhance the storytelling. The text encourages readers to reflect on the parallels between Shakespeare's play and Father's Day, and concludes with a call-to-action to share their experiences or thoughts.

  21. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Father's Day" are two Shakespearean plays that explore love and its complications. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a comedy with fairies, magical elements, and a complex web of romantic entanglements, while "Father's Day" is a celebration honoring fathers and father figures, typically observed on the third Sunday of June in many countries, including the United tax lawyer virginia

  22. estate lawyerThe ripple effects of economic shifts on projects, such as known projects being semi-paralyzed and uncertain upcoming ones, highlight the influence of economic conditions on development and investment decisions. The personal stories of Mike Bragg returning to fishing and his restaurants add a human touch to the broader economic narrative

  23. "Midsummer Nights and Father's Day Dream" is a play that combines Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" with the celebration of Father's Day. The poem evokes images of summer evenings and a whimsical celebration of fatherhood. It highlights the unity of midsummer nights and fathers, celebrating them with laughter and love. The poem highlights the power of fathers, their guidance, and their presence, enriching our lives with boundless love. It concludes with a timeless celebration that is eternally divine.semi truck accident law firm

  24. A Shakespearean-inspired Father's Day celebration can be a creative and fun way to celebrate the holiday. Organize a Shakespearean-inspired event featuring actors performing scenes from the play, serving Renaissance-inspired food and drinks, and encouraging guests to dress in Shakespearean attire. Consider gift ideas that blend elements of both themes, such as a book containing Shakespearean plays and a personalized gift related to Father's Day. Host a themed dinner featuring dishes from the play or those enjoyed during Shakespeare's time, and decorate the table with elements reminiscent of the forest setting. If weather permits, organize an outdoor screening of a film adaptation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in your backyard or local park. Create DIY crafts or activities that blend elements of both themes, such as making Shakespearean-inspired Father's Day cards or creating a scavenger hunt with clues related to characters and events from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The key is to have fun with the combination of themes and create an experience that celebrates both Father's Day and the world of Shakespeare.motorcycle accident lawyers

  25. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a timeless play that can be incorporated into a Father's Day celebration. To create a magical experience, consider incorporating the enchanting themes of Shakespeare's play into your celebration. Consider gifting a bouquet featuring wildflowers, roses, and other vibrant blooms, such as the "Spring Wishes" centerpiece from Neubauer's Flowers. Transform your space into an enchanted forest with fairy lights, candles, and natural elements like ivy and moss, such as crowns and antler headpieces from Etsy. Host a special dinner party that captures the essence of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," featuring light, summery dishes like salmon, ceviche, and fresh sorbets. Set the table with floral centerpieces and use candlelight or moonlight for an enchanting ambiance. Create personalized gifts that resonate with the play's themes, such as custom-engraved pocket watches, cufflinks, or a leather-bound edition of Shakespeare's works. Find bespoke options on platforms like Etsy. Plan fun DIY activities for the day, such as creating fairy gardens or crafting floral crowns and headpieces inspired by the characters in the play. This will make your Father's Day a memorable one filled with magic, beauty, and heartfelt tax lawyer virginia

  26. "Midsummer Night's and Father's Day Dream" is a phrase that combines elements of Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" with the celebration of Father's Day. The play revolves around the marriage of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, and features the romantic adventures of four young Athenian lovers, the antics of a group of amateur actors, and the mischief of the fairy king and queen, Oberon and Titania. Father's Day is a special day dedicated to honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. It is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for the love, support, and guidance provided by fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, and other father figures. The phrase can be interpreted as a whimsical blend of the enchanting world of Shakespeare's play with the heartfelt sentiments of Father's Day. Celebration ideas include hosting an outdoor picnic in a scenic garden or woodland area, attending a live performance or outdoor theater production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," creating handmade Father's Day cards or gifts inspired by the characters and themes, having family storytime featuring excerpts from the play, and hosting a festive garden party with Midsummer-themed decor, activities, and entertainment.virginia statute of limitations personal injury minor
