Tuesday, August 8, 2023


The Thermodynamic Fraud that came out of Berkeley and was hyped by John Doerr and Dianne Feinstein is on its last legs. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4625002-amyris-warns-of-potential-bankruptcy-sell Obama and Chew told us way back when that Amyris would produce 100 million gallons a year of Diesel from Sugar, This was pure BULLSHIT. John Doerr is a Serial Eco-Fraudster that has been protected by the Save Every Crook SEC. LOCK HIM UP - TAKE HIS NAME OFF OF THE STANFORD SCHOOL OF SUSTAINABILITY. DOERR IS THE SACKLER OF GREEN ENERGY GREEN LIES MATTER


  1. The cautionary tale of Amyris sheds light on the perils of overhyped ventures. The stark reality contrasts sharply with inflated promises, revealing deeper systemic issues. Accountability must transcend rhetoric.
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  2. A company called Amyris that specializes in ecological chemicals has warned of impending insolvency because of financial difficulties. Secondary data collection help can offer important support and insights in such complicated situations. Making use of comprehensive and trustworthy secondary data can help inform strategic choices and enhance comprehension of market dynamics.

  3. Amyris has expressed worries about its financial future, stating that if present difficulties continue, bankruptcy may be the result. My bachelor's thesis is currently underway, and I am having some trouble staying on course. I have been considering getting assistance with my bachelor thesis help me write it. Has anyone already used a service for this? What was your experience like? All I am trying to do is find out how to best arrange everything and make sure I am headed in the proper direction. Any advice or suggestions would be highly valued! Anyone who has experienced the same thing would be greatly appreciated.
