Monday, October 8, 2018

Colin Powell And Morality

Colin Powell is not sure Trump can be a moral leader.   The Thermantor is very sure Powell cannot be a moral leader.   Powell is up to his nose in the Bloom Energy Bloomdoggle.

He was hired by Deep State John Doerr to twist the arms of governments both foreign and domestic for the Bloomdoggle.

He was given 100,000 shares in Bloom Energy for a total payment of $10 on February 25, 2009.  He and Bloom set the "market price" of the 100,000 shares at $175,000 for Powell's 2009 tax return.  This is $1.75 a share.

The problem was that on February 25, 2009 Bloom and Advanced Equities set a price of $18.54 a share for Advanced Equities to sell shares to investors in the Series F.

The SEC shut down Advanced Equities for fraudulently selling shares to investors in that Series F of Bloom.

Now Powell has a tax problem.   The IRS quickly stated in a letter to me that there was no tax problem.   I then wrote to the IRS and the heads of the SEC that in that case Powell and Bloom had a stock fraud problem by selling shares at $18.54 that were only worth $1.75.   The stock fraud problem is well over a hundred million dollars.  The tax problem was only $1.6 million plus interest and fines.

The IRS then quickly sent me the form to apply for the finders fee in unreported income.

Who knows if the IRS will do anything, but for sure we know that Colin Powell has a "morality" problem.  He is the last person on the planet who should opine about "moral leaders".   The question by Fareed was entrapment and we have Crooked Colin on tape questioning the morality of someone who had unearned income when he was only three years old.

Colin Powell was 72 years old when he and Bloom either conspired to cheat on taxes or screw investors in the Series F.

72 is 24 times 3 and Colin Powell is 24 times less of a moral leader than Donald Trump.  Donald Trump is making the USAF Great Again.  Donald Trump is a 24 star General not a 4 Star General.


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