We have heard of screwing the pooch but now we have a case
of screwing the cat in what was once part of a monogamous relationship. Unicat was Bloom's vendor to treat the waste in
those sealed metal canisters. Unicat
invested heavily in facilities in Texas and hired people and was looking forward to
treating the thousands of tons of hazardous waste that Bloomdoggle Energy surreptitiously creates. How do
we know this? Well Unicat just sued
Bloom for breach of contract.
My guess is as follows:
Unicat was contracted to recover the copper that is in the
sealed metal canisters together with all that sulfur and benzene waste. When copper prices were high (unlike today
when they are in the tank or in the canister so to speak) it paid Bloom to have
Unicat recover the copper. Now that
copper is trading at $2 per pound it makes no sense for Bloom to pay Unicat to
recover the copper. Bloom probably now
simply disposes of all the contents in the sealed metal container at a hazmat
site. There is also the possibility that
Bloom might be “treating” the hazardous waste outside of the US to save some
money. I have no evidence they are doing
this but given this corrupt firm’s history of lying to gain fake permits and
not paying Mexican welders it hired minimum wages, anything is possible.
Even if Bloom is still using a US based EPA licensed hazmat
site that they allegedly screwed the cat is pretty evident from the filing in
the lawsuit. Unicat is well known and is
a market leader for sulfur removal systems in natural gas.
The letter I have
from Bloom to the Connecticut Siting Board and this Unicat Lawsuit now pretty
much gives us the full story of the solid waste with sulfur and benzene that
Bloom and their cronies in government (DE, NJ, CA, UT, NC, NY etc.) and the
private sector (clients like Apple, EBay, Google, Walmart, Target, Coca Cola,
Morgan Stanley, AT&T etc.) have hidden from us.
Bloom is the largest ecofraud since Love Canal and we have
to recover the over $1 billion of taxpayer and ratepayer money that was given
to Bloom in their pretense of generating cleaner and better electrons. Bloom generates dirty, unreliable, and very
expensive electrons. I have informed
Bernie and Donald about the Bloomdoggle.
Donald said this is HUGE. Bernie
said what do you expect from a billionaire like Doerr, corrupt banks like Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse, and the idiot without
good judgement Colin Powell who took us into the war in Iraq.
Screwing the pooch was invented at Yale University during
the early days of the Mercury space program
Screwing the Unicat was invented by KR Sridhar the CEO of
Bloom who told us nonsense that he invented the Bloom Box from work he had done
at NASA for living on Mars.
Mars – Mercury – Dogs – Cats it all comes down to one
thing. Greed !!
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