Saturday, July 4, 2015

Yin and Yang of Green Explored

After more than 600 blogs on this site I have to admit I am tired of the incompetence, corruption, and greed in the green space.  I polled my readers as to whether I should have a name change from the “Green Machine” to “The Thermonator”.  The poll came back about 60% for the name change but many still like the nom de plume of “The Green Machine”.  My wife suggested that I sign blogs that actually point to real green technologies and trends as “The Green Machine”, and sign blogs that expose gangrene imposters as ”The Thermonator”.    This is brilliant advice.  I do hope to blog at least half of the time on positive trends in the energy space so the Green Machine will remain a guiding force for positive change.

Yin and Yang are actually complimentary and create a sum that is more than the simple addition of the two parts.  The Green Machine and The Thermonator will make Green Explored the real force for improvement in carbon emissions and the rule of law, at least the rule of the laws of thermodynamics.

There is leading Photovoltaic company called Yingli Green Energy.  They once led the world in solar module production and are now struggling and are facing shareholder lawsuits.  I wonder if they reorganize will they be called Yangly Gangrene Energy?

Arne promised he would be back.  The Thermonator promises to cover your backs.  It is July 4 and I wish America a happy 239th birthday.  Sadly the news is filled with terror threats and how fundamentalists wish to cause mayhem on our country’s birthday.   They actually wish to cause mayhem every day and take us back 1500 years.  The good news is we are not going back!  We are also not coming back! We are here and we move forward.  We have real science and real inventions that can make this world a better place.  The Green Machine and The Thermonator will simply point the light in the direction that will get us there.

God Bless The United States and God Bless Humanity – We should all thank God for creating Thermodynamics and the Universe and all start letting our Yins and Yangs work their synergistic magic.

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